Dr. Rupak Biswas
Director of Exploration Technology at NASA Ames Research Center, US
- Lecture Title: Herding Schrödinger’s Cats: A NASA Perspective of Quantum Computing
- Short Biography: Rupak Biswas received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Rensselaer in 1991, and has been at NASA ever since. During this time, he has received several NASA awards, including the Exceptional Achievement Medal and the Outstanding Leadership Medal. He is an internationally recognized expert in high performance computing and has published more than 150 technical papers, received many Best Paper awards, edited several journal special issues, and given numerous lectures around the world. Rupak is currently the Director of Exploration Technology at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., and has held this Senior Executive Service (SES) position since January 2016

Prof. Koji Fukagata
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Keio University, Japan
- Lecture Title: Applications of convolutional neural network autoencoder for fluid flow analysis
- Short Biography: Koji Fukagata received his PhD degrees from KTH, Sweden, as well as The University of Tokyo, Japan, in year 2000. His main research interest is flow control, especially turbulent drag reduction. In addition, he is currently working on applications of machine learning to fluid mechanics. He has been a full professor at Keio University since 2015, and served as an Editor of Flow, Turbulence and Combustion since 2015.

Prof. Roberto Verzicco
Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Italy
- Lecture title: TBA
- Short Biography: Roberto Verzicco is professor in Fluid Dynamics at the University of Roma `Tor Vergata’ and at the Gran Sasso Science Institute of L’Aquila (Italy). Since 2010 he is also part-time Professor at the University of Twente (The Netherlands).
His research interests are in experimental and numerical fluid dynamics and since 1993 he has published more than 200 papers. He is interested in the direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows, convective turbulence, geophysical flows and bio-fluid mechanics. He mostly employs numerical simulations, sometimes complemented by analytical models or experimental measurements, to study complex flow physics and turbulence. Some of his computational models have been opensourced and made available to the scientific community. He has been Chairman of the European Fluid Mechanics Conference Committee and member of the EUROMECH Council. He is in the Editorial board of several scientific journals and is Associate Editor of the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. He received the Frenkiel Award 2005 from the American Physical Society for his studies on natural convection. In 2012 he was nominated EUROMECH Fellow and in 2013 Fellow of the American Physical Society.

Dr. Elisabetta De Angelis
Department of Industrial Engineering, Università di Bologna, Italy
- Lecture Title: Simulation of non-Newtonian turbulence
- Short Biography: Elisabetta De Angelis received her PhD Degree in 2001 at University of Rome La Sapienza with a thesis “The influence of polymer additives on the structure of wall turbulence” . Since 2001 she started a collaboration with the Fluid Dynamics group at La Sapienza with a Research Fellowship. Moreover, she was a Research Assistant at the Institute for Polymers at ETH Zuerich between 2001 and 2003. Her scientific activity deals with numerical simulation and data analysis in fluid mechanics, namely turbulence in rheologically complex fluids and statistical analysis of wall turbulence. She has collaborations with the Weizmann Institute of Science, the Chinese University of Hong-Kong, KIT in Karlsruhe and KTH in Stockholm. Since 2004 she teaches Computational Fluid Dynamics and Fluid Dynamics at the University of Bologna. At the end of 2011 she became Associate Professor in Fluid Dynamics and in February 2014 she obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor in Fluid Dynamics. From 2015 to 2018 she worked as Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University (UK) where she has currently a part-time appointment as Reader.
Dr. Evangelos Floros
European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)
- Lecture Title: EuroHPC and the future of Exascale Computing in the EU

Prof. Catherine Noakes
School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds
- Lecture Title: TBC

Prof. Aimee S. Morgans
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London
- Lecture Title: Dancing Flames and Thermoacoustic Instabilities.
- Short Biography: Aimee Morgans is Professor of Thermofluids in the Mechanical Engineering department at Imperial College London. Her research interests are in thermoacoustics, aeroacoustics and aerodynamics. She has PhD, MEng and MA degrees in Engineering from the University of Cambridge. She currently holds an ERC Consolidator Grant on thermoacoustic instability, and previously held an ERC Starting Grant on the same topic. She was a member of the PRACE Scientific Steering Committee from 2018-21, and in 2021 was elected a Fellow of the UK’s Royal Academy of Engineering.